

Dr. Vivek’s Mother

Olga Rita Mendonsa

It is a great feeling seeing our Baba grow into a caring partner, knowledgeable, continually striving for more, and spurring others to achieve even greater heights. God be with you, precious one!

Indian Film Actor

Amitabh Bachchan

My Dear Dr. Vivek G. Mendonsa

My heartfelt Congratulations as you and your dear wife Dr. Suhani celebrate several milestone events this year! You both have a wonderful story all your own that deserve the grandest of all celebrations.

Life doesn’t just throw the things to you desire most. You have to earn them. With every success of yours, you take yourself to a whole new level. Accept my sincere congratulations as you happily celebrate every grand event and success together…142 years since Lawrence & Mayo was established, your completion of 28 years at Lawrence & Mayo, your Silver marriage celebrations, and both your 50th birthdays.

It is our greatest pleasure to see you victorious over all the hurdles in life. My prayers and best wishes for continued victories and successes.

Real Estate Expert

Mr. Elyas Lucknowala

Vivek is a good, kind, and generous human being.
I am honoured to be his friend since the past 20 yrs that I have known him.
I wish he always stays unique just the way he is!
Cheers to his 50th!

Senior General Manager, L&M

Mr. Glenford D’souza

Solid Gold n Appreciating!!
When Gold turns to Diamond and Platinum…I may not be around but I’m honoured to share my thoughts on your 50th Birthday.

I have the privilege of watching Vivek blossom from a gawky teenager to an accomplished adult. True to his name, Vivek has always been a seeker of knowledge. As a lad, I remember, he asked a hundred questions, many surprisingly intuitive for his age. Today the same trait of healthy inquisitiveness is the main reason for his success. He is a man of varied interests and has chosen the path of diversification for L&M which will not only redefine the organization but take it to greater heights. His initiatives in the field of ophthalmology have earned him a doctorate and the respect of practitioners in the industry. Vivek keeps abreast of industry through active participation in business associations.


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As a person, Vivek has a quality very uncommon today – niceness. Often he has advised me to be less blunt and more gentle with the team. It’s a style a little alien to me but which I respect in him. His ability t o be low profile and humble when he comes from a background of affluence is truly remarkable. I know it’s a result of good breeding and his parents deserve all praise.

It is said that a true good leader helps his followers find their skills and empowers them to use these. Vivek engaged psychometric testing counselors to help L&M marketing executives understand their strengths and weaknesses and build on their strengths. It’s a sign of good leadership and planning for the future.

To sum up VIVEK is  VIBRANT, INDEPENDENT ,VERSATILE,  ENTHUSIASTIC, KIND…and I believe the last quality is worth all the qualities together!!!

On Your Golden Birthday I wish you all the success  and joy that your heart desires. May your value keep appreciating a hundred fold as gold turns to diamond and platinum…Be Blessed Always.

Childhood Friend

Capt. Pierre Fernandes

Not only Vivek & I are childhood friends since Nursery Age 03 years, we are ‘Immediate Family’ minus the Bloodlines’. 

The Bond between us was established very early on when we received our First Holy Communion together in 1977 and then more recently when Vivek raised the Toast at my first born’s 1st Holy Communion celebration.

I always envisaged him to be associated with Lawrence & Mayo, however the level he’s taken his Company to fills my eyes with extreme pride. I invariably visualize the immense respect within the Indian Community when I mention Vivek’s been my long standing friend and continues to do so with renewed vigour.  

Probably only divine intervention will separate us!!!

Founder & Chairman, CCCI

Vincent Mathias

My good wishes on your 50th birthday It’s my pleasure knowing you for the last 15 years. You are always cheerful and full of energy and inspiration to our youth. Even being dedicated and committed to your business you always take out considerable time to help the unfortunate by various foundations you are associated with. God bless you and your family with good health so that, you continue your ministry and add value to the lives of people you are associated with you.

Ex. UN

Sukanto SenGupta

“He is the Human Being first” – Like is name ‘Vivek’, a person full of Conscience & Humility. Over the period of eight years that I have known Vivek, he has always inspired me much like millions he has done. To be a Humble, Helpful & Giving from your Power of Position.

Dr. Vivek Mendonsa is the ultimate Networking person.

Good to know you my dear friend & younger brother.

Ex Novell, Microsoft, Oracle & Startup Advisor & Consultant

Sylvester Rodriguez

Vivek has been a friend, guide, and mentor to me for over 10 years and I cherish his friendship. Friends like Vivek, come along once in a lifetime. I don’t think I have enough words to express how much I appreciate all the times he has listened to me, been there when I needed someone, and stuck by my side through the good times and the challenging times as we have worked on many projects and social causes over a period of time.


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Vivek has a very nurturing personality and has often supported many through their difficult and challenging times by being a beacon of hope and helping them through their challenges in life. He is very affable, very warm, and has a friendly deposition. His charming ability can disarm almost anybody who connects with him. He often offers to help anyone who seeks his help and goes out of the way to connect people find what they need with his great networking skills as he practices his favorite mantra Givers gain !!!!

Vivek is very organized and has a keen eye for design and very sharp business acumen which makes him a very unique marketing professional and backed with his good judgment he shows great determination whenever a difficult task is put in front of him as I’ve never seen him stressed out or frustrated enabling him to be a very good problem solver and executioner par excellence.

Vivek has a good head on his shoulders and has been blessed with boundless energy and is an inspiration to us all !!!!!

Head, Corporate Communications, ITM University

Prof. Vipin Jog

It was an amazing experience for me to meet Dr. Vivek .G. Mendonsa (Director-Marketing LAWRENCE & MAYO) whom I was formally connected from last 6 years. Finally my persuasion was acknowledged & he visited us at ITM for a guest lecture.

Power packed session with brilliance!!


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Energy house as an orator sharing his experience was joyful & enticing to listen.  Starting from educating students on MBA being an entry point for corporate journey the session progressed covering insights on personalities who made big & how they created pinnacle for them citing Jack Welch, Narayan Murty to name few.

Moving on it was 10 trends in Marketing that is going to change the future emphasizing personalized communication, curated content, product differentiation & user generated contents proven game changers in business environment. Disruptive v/s interruptive marketing.

Unforgettable & Endless!!

Thank you sir for visiting us… Looking forward for many more interactions

Founder, Editor, Business Goa, Start-Up Nation, My Goa, Immediate Past Chairman,
Goa Management Association

Mr. Harshvardhan Bhatkully

I can safely and authoritatively certify that you are one of the change-makers in India today. Your contribution to various businesses and organizations is immense and noteworthy.

Senior Partner and Creative Director at Alok Nanda & Company

Xerxes Baria

That my childhood friend Vivek would one day lead Lawrence & Mayo on its journey forward was a foregone conclusion.

Exactly how he would choose to lead, wasn’t.

Until one momentous day in the silent voice of friendship, I heard him whisper:

“Baria, we see with our eyes but it is our hearts that give us vision.”


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Is it coincidence that I step through the doors of their flagship store to get my first pair of prescription glasses in the same year that Vivek celebrates 25 years at L&M?

No, it isn’t coincidence. I had to be reminded of his message.

And even as my eyes were being tested my heart grew in vision.

Thank you my dear friend.

Chairman, St. Angelo’s VNCT Ventures

Mr. Agnelorajesh Athaide

Vivek has a mind blowing habit of always being on time. Irrespective of the city and the traffic conditions. He has a very dependable personality. If he says something, it’s a commitment. And if it’s a commitment from Vivek, you can take it for granted that the job is done. His energy levels are awesome. Weather at 6:00 am or at 11:00 pm, his level of energy is the same. He is tireless and always on the move. He has magical networking qualities and can network in a new environment in a matter of moments. He is a very knowledgeable person and is always hungry for more information and learning. He loves sales and his forte is to sell a comb to a bald man. He is super confident to make a sales pitch to anybody for anything. Vivek has a super strong social mind. His attitude and approach to give back to society is just superb. People like him inspire people to live not only for yourself but also for others. 


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Vivek has an elephant’s memory. He never forgets people and conversations. That’s a very unique ability which helps him to instantly connect to people. Vivek is a complete family man with the deep concerns and care for his personal family, his parents and his extended family as well. He always makes sure that all times they are taken care of. Vivek is ambitious and raring to go. His courage to expand in any market condition is again a very rare quality. To thread in unknown times and territory never deters him. He is a passionate person in whatever he does. He is very disciplined and super well organized. He loves to analyse and systematically compile information. He is a person who never holds grudges nor does he maintain a score card of any negative situations but always makes sure that good deeds by others to him are perpetually etched in his mind. He has a lovely attitude of gratitude. 

He is a man of clarity. He knows what to do and what not to. He believes in yes or no. He doesn’t believe in diplomacy. He is straight to the T Bold and Frank. People like Vivek are national assets. Doing good to the society creating opportunities for all around them. Very enthusiastic and positive. Very confident and straight forward. Very focused and clear. Very transparent and open. It’s a pleasure and privilege to know Vivek Mendonsa.

Founder, CHOLI BOLI & Business Strategist, Scenic Communications Pvt. Ltd

Arunisha Sengupta

About 17 years ago, Vivek, in his usual tell-tale candor had once told me, that he could sell a comb to a bald man. That was something that stuck by me and after years of working on myself as a brand strategist, it has now become my favourite quote. I lavishly spread it on all those who want to learn from me, but it’s time for making that confession. He did have quite an effect on me during my formative years as he would just wheel in usually during the evening hours in our office. But then “that’s always a good time to focus on and brainstorm and one can get the work done without any disturbance”, he had an answer to everything and still does.


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He is one of those few people who made me love my work and always said that “passion will bring in success automatically”. It is also that made me sustain when days didn’t look all that uppity for me. He was a client and I was from the agency but we were always like two friends and at the most a mentor and a mentee. We lost touch for a long period, but it was heartening that he kept on grooming so many people all this time. When we met once again, it was as if we had just met yesterday. He remembered my favourite brand of jeans! “These little things that you remember of the people that you meet in your life, makes your relationship all the more enriching” he used to say as a brilliant marketing person. But that is not just his professional hazard, it has become his second nature now.

Though a third generation entrepreneur, he has never allowed that to dominate. In fact, I have seen him working harder than the rest. He is always buzzing with ideas and always ahead of the curve. There is no time for rest even when he can, and while donning multiple hats, he is doing just that – improvising himself and his brand all the time.
There’s so much to learn from you my friend. I just hope that I don’t stop doing that ever and god bless you and your amazing spirit.

Global Commercial Excellence leader at Diversey

Hushad Ranina

Vivek will always remain a dear friend of mine. Although we have not seen each other for years, I am sure we will pick up reminiscing about old times like they happened yesterday. Vivek, Xerxes, Karl, and I spent a lot of time together while growing up. I have fond memories of visiting Vivek’s house, getting rides of him back home from school, playing games together, taking caravan rides to PVM, climbing on and exploring around his bungalow roof, and the list of our mischief goes on. I cannot possibly write about them here. 


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What I will say is that Vivek is an inherently kind and wonderful person. Suhani and he make a perfect couple. I still remember their courtship days. They both complete each other. I wish them both a happy silver wedding anniversary and Vivek Bro a happy 50th birthday. I hope we can meet up soon.

Chairman & Managing Director of Raltech

Ralph Pereira.

Bro Vivek is one of the most genuine and caring persons I have ever met. He is also a very simple person. I wish he stays the same forever in the years to come. Thanks for being my friend Vivek.  

Founder Chairman of Dimensions Christians Global Chamber of Commerce

Freddy Mendonca

Congratulations dear brother Vivek on your 50 years on the planet. You’ve accomplished so much, and I know for certain, the best is yet to come! May God bless you in abundance with good health and wellness.
A gem of a person, you always show care and concern and are ready to extend a helping hand. You are a very rare human being, great yet simple. Happy 50th birthday dear Vivek! I hope you’re around for at least 50 more, because people as remarkable as you don’t come along very often.

Chef Richard Dias

Richard Dias

My memories of Bro Vivek span close to 45 years. As kids in Campion School from the 1st to the 10th grade and furthermore, in life where we were always in touch, Vivek has always been consistent in his outlook to life.

Vivek as a kid always had a smile on his face and could pacify any situation, be it a fight, bullying, or even when in trouble with teachers. He would always plead for the underdog and maintain a very pleasant atmosphere wherever he would be. I was lucky to receive my holy communion with him at Campion School. Vivek always stayed in the background and let us hog the spotlight. He never ever made us aware of his rich family heritage and always made himself comfortable in any situation – a true mark of a gentleman.


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Post school he pursued his natural talents of philanthropy, marketing, and a sharp mind for learning, which always ensured he was prepared for life’s challenges. His beautiful family bears testimony to the kind of human being Bro Vivek has been. His parents have planted great values in him and his siblings.

Today, I am the fortunate beneficiary of Bro Vivek’s amazing gift of love, support, trust, confidence in people, and above all his selfless nature, which has made life’s difficult journey look relatively ease. On this auspicious year as Vivek completes 50 years of life, my family and I, thank God for this wonderful person who only radiates light in times of darkness and hope in times of despair.

Here’s wishing Bro Vivek another 50 years of joy, happiness, and good health as he goes about making this world a better place. Cheers!

C4 Integrated Wellness Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Shilpa Niraj Desai

Vivek Mendonsa, I remember when I met him the first time and same day the same moment he taught me the most important sector of the business is MARKETING !!! I learned that day how to approach with your concept. my first exposure to CPRA, MAKER Towers will be most important learning part of my Entrepreneur journey.

Vivek Mendonsa is turning 50 today, I wish him 50 more and much more healthy, happy life ahead so he can keep continuing his enlightenment to all. Congratulations on your successful Half-century looking forward to a full century, God Bless you, Vivek.

Founder & CEO, SustainMantra
Global Leader in Sustainability

Shri Shailendra Hari Singh

Vivek is a rare combination of a “true-heart” and a visionary who is always striving to find the perfect balance between planet, people and profit. Driven by the collective good of society he inspires through personal action. He keeps the customer as the core focus and aims to delight them by bringing the latest value adding solutions to their unmet needs.

“Respect and Recognition to all you meet and interact is a must”
– Dr. Vivek G Mendonsa